Every human needs to have a goal, and every human has a goal but in different ways whether they knew it or not. There are two major types of people that set goals, and there are two major ways through which people set goals.
Two Types of People That Set Goals
- Traditional Goal-Setters.
- Untraditional Goal-setters.
- Traditional Goal-setters: are the people whom their goals were specifically detailed and placed on a paper with a time frame, in other words fulfilling all the S.M.A.R.T criteria. Which means their goals are; Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic, and with Time frame.
- Untraditional Goal-setters: These are people with goals that are not specifically stated on a paper, yet, it still met with all the above S.M.A.R.T criteria. These type of people don’t write their goals on a paper, but it is clearly placed in their subconscious mind that they should have or do certain things within certain time. These type of people basically work based on intuition. There goals were not written, yet they knew it and working towards it. However, whether it is written down or not, a goal is still a goal and they still go all in to achieve it. There are still debate if goal setting is a major prerequisite to achieving success. However, the important thing is for you to know what you want, where you want to go, and have at least some ideas on how to get there.
But here is the problem; to most people, having a goal is not the issue, achieving the goal is not also the problem, but knowing what next after achieving the goal, and maintaining that momentum and the enthusiasm to continue is really the challenging part. I’ve seen many people who came out to confess how empty and unfulfilled they felt even after achieving their greatest life’s goals. So here are the five reasons why you may still feel empty and unfulfilled even after achieving that very thing you are looking for right now, and how you can solve that problem.
Five Reasons Why People Feel Lost and Unfulfilled After Achieving a Goal
- Arrival Syndrome and Complacency: Don’t ever think that you have arrived. That would be the greatest mistake you can make. This is dangerous because it impedes progress and promote arrogance and mediocrity. It is okay to be contented with what you have, but be relentless in your pursuit for greatness and excellence. This is where most people think that most politicians and rich people are greedy and crazy. Take Warren Buffet for example, the man owns a conglomerate yet he is still investing, and acquiring more real estate. Take Donald Trump for example, he was a former president yet he is still vying to rule again as a president. What is he looking for? They never think of arrival. Whatever you think you have accomplished today that is making you feel complacent is just a peanut to what you will achieve tomorrow.
- You Simply Stopped Dreaming: The enemy of a man can be lack of dreams. But what happens when you’ve accomplished your dreams, yet you still felt as though you never had a dream in the first place? You feel empty and unsatisfied. You have always wanted to get married, then you got married but left asking yourself, is this what it is? Don’t stop dreaming. Let every single dream you crushed become a stepping stone to a high dream.
- You Refused to See the Goal for Just What it is: a goal is just a goal, and a dream is just a dream, and should be treated as such. There are more to life. You should be able to see beyond your goals, and beyond the goals you have for yourself. Be able to have a life outside whatever you are chasing, strike a balance and always refuse to have a tunnel vision. This would not only showcase you to more opportunities, but enhance the way you see the world.
- You Stopped Expanding Your Horizon: One of the reasons why you may feel lost even after accomplishing your goal is because you may have stopped improving yourself. Anytime you stopped growing, you start dying. This is related to every aspect of your life. Don’t stop learning even when you’ve graduated from school. Don’t stop taking care of yourself and stopped looking good because you’ve got married.
- The Economic Imbalance of Human Nature: You still feel empty even when you have accomplished your greatest goal because you are just a human. The thrill of accomplishment is always certain but only short-lived for a moment, it takes discipline to keep pushing. It’s just like a dopamine. But when subsided, it would leave you asking yourself, ‘so what next?’ This happens to everybody that has achieved anything worthwhile, they must have come to a point where they would look back and say, if they knew what they know currently, they would have done things differently. We all feel this way because as humans, most times we don’t even know what we want. Until we finally get it and only just to turn around to say, “oh, I thought this would make me happy.”